Comic Cons

Comic Con 2015

Nottingham Comic Con 2015 Panel 1

Piers Baker, Roger Langridge, and Robin Etherington talk about their work in the comics industry.

Panel hosted by Awesome Comics Podcast, sound and vision by GeekForce.

Nottingham Comic Con 2015 Panel 2 (2000AD)

Vince Hunt, Adrian Salmon and Jeff Anderson talk about their experiences working on 2000AD and within the comic industry.

Panel hosted by Awesome Comics Podcast, sound and vision by GeekForce.

Nottingham Comic Con 2015 Panel 3

Warwick Johnson-Cadwell, Ilya and Robert Deas talk about their work and experiences with the comic industry.

Panel hosted by Awesome Comics Podcast, sound and vision by Geek Force.

Nottingham Comic Con 2015 Panel 4

Duncan Fegredo, Marc Laming and Chris Wildgoose talk about their work and experiences with the comic industry.

Panel hosted by Awesome Comics Podcast, sound and vision by Geek Force.


Comic Con 2016

Nottingham Comic Con 2016 - Small Press Panel

Dave White of Avery Hill Publishing, Dan Berry and Rachael Smith discuss what influenced them in comics and the Small Press industry.

Nottingham Comic Con 2016 - Creating Your Own Comics

Chris Imber, Nick Prolix and Sally Jane Thompson talk about their comic book influences and creating their own comics.

Nottingham Comic Con 2016 - Working in Mainstream Comics

Chris Wildgoose, Marc Laming and Roger Langridge discuss the first comics that influenced them and working with mainstream comic book companies.